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Amor, ideas, traición, obsesión. Una novela histórica fascinante.
El siglo 18 de la Ilustración y cuna de la independencia en América Latina visto a través de una mujer. Dispuesta a no reprimir su exuberante sexualidad ni su intelecto, la cronista se enfrenta a la misma sociedad que ayuda a transcender de colonia española a republica, llevando el título de libertina como los generales las medallas.
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Epic thriller. Love story. A vivid piece of historical writing...
Francisca Pinelo will not conform—go from submissive daughter to submissive wife, and on to abnegated motherhood—but European universities are inexorable manly bastions, and education, God forgive, said parents, crossing themselves,cursed women to eternal solitude. Impersonating her nobleman husband Francisca Pinelo attends the university only to have a secret revealed that leaves her without an identity. In her quest to reinvent herself, and avenge her mother—put to the stake for being educated, and a Jew—Francisca Pinelo takes on the Inquisiton, one of the most horrific institution in the history of humanity.
About the Author
Novelist and essayist, Raúl Guerrero is the author of several books. He has written for publications in Europe, Latin America and the US. He also collaborated with Enciclopedia Latina.
His writing is concise and erudite, engaging and hilariously irreverent. ABC
Sobre el autor
Ensayista y novelista, Raúl Guerrero ha escrito varios libros. Ha colaborado con publicaciones de Europa, América Latina y Estados Unidos. Asimismo colaboró con la Enciclopedia Latina. Su estilo es conciso, erudito...
Su irreverencia te hace reír a carcajadas. ABC.