October/Nove,ber Articles




ART BASEL 2915/ Conversations and Salons

December 3-6, 2015. Art Basel stages the world's premier art shows for Modern and contemporary works, sited in Basel, Miami Beach and Hong Kong. Defined by its host city and region, each show is unique, which is reflected in its participating galleries, artworks presented, and the content of parallel programming produced in collaboration with local institutions for each edition.

ARTICULO/ El futuro de Museum Park

Conversations and Salon Series 

It brings together prominent members from across the international art world, including leading artists, gallerists, art historians, curators, museum directors, critics, and collectors to discuss a diverse range of topics.

Conversations open on Thursday morning with the Premiere Artist Talk, featuring artists Trevor Paglen and Jenny Holzer. Paglen, who is known for layered explorations of contemporary themes of surveillance and covert governmental or corporate activity, and Holzer, who utilizes the rhetoric of modern information systems to address the politics of discourse, will consider questions of perception, language, and control. More

PHOTOGRAPHY / Miami Street Photography Fest 2015

The international festival, showcasing photographers from all over the world, introduces a new competition: Miami Photo Series, dedicated to images that document and tell a story about life and people in the city of Miami. Three finalists were selected for this category, including DASS Artistic Director Marc Schmidt for the series Martin Luther King Day in Liberty City. To coincide with Art Basel, the Center for Photography at HistoryMiami will exhibit the work of finalists from November 20 through Jan 17. More

ART EXHIBIT/ Architecture Sculpture Photography



168 SE First Street - Penthouse. Downtown Miami

It combines three artists from different disciplines—architecture, sculpture and photography. In order to examine “elevated” aspects of contemporary living, RENE GONZALES presents models and drawings of innovative architecture addressing rising sea levels; KERRY PHILLIPS lifts, both literally and figuratively, her collective sculptures of ordinary objects for examination; and MARC SCHMIDT displays photographic images of Miami’s human landscape heightened by brilliant colors and emotional warmth. 


El proyecto de crear una entidad independiente (Museum Park Conservancy) que administre el Museum Park de Downtown se presenta ante los comisionados de la ciudad en enero del próximo año. El proyecto agrupa a residentes, líderes cívicos y autoridades bajo la batuta de la Fundación Miami. Mas en DassMiami.com.

ARTICULO/ El Dia del idioma

El 23 de abril los países hispanoparlantes celebran el Día del Idioma en honor al creador de Don Quijote, Miguel de Cervantes. Considerada la primera novela moderna y una de las mejores de todos los tiempos, “Don Quijote,” dice Vladimir Nabokov, “se irgue tan maravillosamente sobre el panorama literario… Símbolo de todo lo gentil, desamparado, generoso y galante”. More (Nuevo Herald). 

ARTICULO/ Rojo por el corazón de la mujer

La Asociación Americana del Corazón recomienda que este viernes, 6 de febrero, nos vistamos de rojo. La idea es concientizar sobre las enfermedades cardiovasculares, en especial las enfermedades que afectan a la mujer. Tradicionalmente asociadas al hombre, las enfermedades del corazón matan a más mujeres que todos los cánceres combinados. Nuevo Herald. More.


Una colaboración única entre paciente y cardiólogo El escritor Raúl Guerrero recuenta la enfermedad cardiovascular que desató múltiples infartos. Utiliza la experiencia vivida en carne propia como herramienta pedagógica. Y, en colaboración con el Dr. Mauro Moscucci, su cardiólogo y ex Director de Cardiología de la Universidad de Miami, añade un módulo enciclopédico que cubre los factores de riesgo, las distintas enfermedades y procedimientos de diagnóstico, tratamientos y medicamentos. Incluye asimismo estrategias que ayudarán al lector a encarrilarse a un estilo de vida conducente a la prevención, control, incluso a revertir las enfermedades cardiacas. More.


Marc Schmidt uses the simplest of tools — his iPhone camera and transportation by bicycle — to create photographs composing a poignant visual essay of Miami’s inner city and its denizens, reflecting the zeitgeist of the postmodern world. He was born in Chicago and raised in Hamburg, Germany. A physician by training, his love affair with photography started in his teen years when he began documenting street scenes in Hamburg.


Rene Gonzalez is a leading force in architecture today. The New York Times affirms: "Mr. Gonzalez, who has lately emerged as one of Miami's most influential young architects, is known for the modernist rigor and simpliciy of his work but also for his imaginative use of materials."

Born in Cuba and raised in Miami, Mr. Gonzalez studied architecture at the University of California, LOs Angeles. Hw worked under Richard Meier in the Gety Museum. Art is an integral part of hs work. He say: Architecture is not an art, but it has poetic resonance. 


Tribute to a Beautiful Language

The Rehearsal Interpreting Photography in Dance

Anniversary Exhibit

A Brief Encounter with Photographer CHEYCO LEIDMANN


A Novella by Raul Guerrero Read More



Spanish Bad Words. Coño. Interjection, very Caribbean, and hip, versatile, urban. Coño, mi amor, estás irresistible, is a compliment for both men and women. More.


Who Speaks Spanish Best? Are we talking about purity or market share? Going by the latter, standard Spanish, the neutral soap-opera variety is superior. More.

Bilingualism’s False Friends An aggressive businesswoman does not translate to ejecutiva agresiva  More 

Is Spanish Sexist? Zorro, a vindicador, a justicie-fighter, a super hero, Antonio Banderas. Zorra: whore. More.

Socializing and Other Indiscretions. Hemmingway got away with three Spanish phrases: 1. Una cerveza. 2. Dame un beso, “give me a kiss.” 3. Llama a mi abogado, “call my lawyer.” More.


Breve historia del español 

¿Son España, América Latina y Estados Unidos Hispano, parafraseando a Oscar Wilde, mundos separados por un mismo idioma? Mas.

Espanglish  El nacimiento de un nuevo idioma.