Spanish for People on the Run
Medical Spanish
Multimedia programs designed to meet specific needs
Relevant materials enable participants to communicate with patients from day one
Phone and online classes arranged around busy schedules
Enable students to interview patients, describe symptoms and physical conditions, and explain treatments and procedures.
We conduct an evaluation and customize a program for your Hospital, Health Center or Office. Participants have access to Medical Spanish Help Desk during business hours, and unlimited access to the online audio and video lab for medical professionals A Su Salud! Yale University Press.
Mr. Guerrero and Dr. Edward Schuster at the Columbia University-College of Physicians & Surgeons, presenting Llegar a 100, a mini-encyclopedia for the heart that they coauthored.
Columbia University Department of Surgery said about Llegar a 100: Mr. Guerrero chronicles his life as a clinical study, exploring the causes of his life-threatening heart disease. In the process he explores issues affecting the health of Hispanic communities, including immigration, language, education, divorce, and alcoholism.
Media Spanish
Mr. Guerrero developed and conducted specialized Spanish courses for the Washington Post and Reuters News Agency.
Call 203 353 3310.
What they say about Language Programs developed by Mr. Guerrero:
We are delighted with his creativity, and flexibility of the programs. Mr. Guerrero created multi-level Spanish Courses for our English-speaking doctors and Business Spanish Programs for native Spanish-speaking professionals, including workshops and online seminars to review and master business communications-from writing proposals to making presentations.
-Jeanie Kent, Training Director, The Pan American Health Organization, Washigton, DC.
Mr. Guerrero developed and conducted Medical Spanish Courses for the Pan American Health Organization, the Stamford Hospital-a Columbia University Teaching Hospital.
Medical Spanish makes quality language training accessible. We will help you communicate with your patients while you work, and sooner than you might expect. Speaking the patient's language makes a difference!
FOR A FREE EVALUATION or call 203 353 3310. SalónEspañol